Using a Bid / No-Bid Process

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Writing a Bid / No-Bid

Tender opportunities are hard to get your hands on; we understand that. It’s so important not to let good opportunities go. That’s why it’s so easy to fall into the trap of chasing every opportunity or none at all. How do you find that balance between spending too much and not spending enough?

Spell out the procedure

Put it down on paper so that everyone understands the parameters by which tenders are evaluated. Spell it out step-by-step and own it. Get buy-in from key stakeholders and keep data to better understand the segments you’re winning in.

Don’t over complicate it

Follow the famous business mantra; keep it simple stupid (KISS). Don’t over complicate it and keep it short and sweet. People won’t commit to the process if it takes them longer to do the bid no-bid than to tender on the project!

Enforce the results and stick to it

If anything, consistency is the key. Once your procedure is in place, make sure it is being followed. Review the process and ensure the bid / no-bid has taken place. Stick to it and keep the exceptions minimal.

Spell out the exceptions

Exceptions to the procedure should be kept as minimal as possible. For example, if the tender opportunity is a long shot and reflects a no-bid, but you’ve been specifically invited to the tender by a current client, then you’ve got a commonsense exception to the rule. Don’t let exceptions become common practice. Spell out when exceptions can overrule a bid / no-bid.

Automate if possible

Save time by using an automated bid / no-bid calculator. You can create these using an excel sheet or you can download ours by completing the below form.

Using a Bid / No-Bid Calculator

A bid / no-bid calculator is an easy way to set the parameters by which a tender will be evaluated. By protecting the cells that don’t need to be changed, you can prescribe the questions that need to be asked and weigh them accordingly to produce a truly objective end result.

Register below for a free, basic bid / no-bid calculator or contact us to get our assistance in creating your own proprietary bid / no-bid calculator.

Bid No Bid Example

Free Bid / No-Bid Calculator

Register below to get a free tender bid / no-bid calculator!

Address 6/34 Nile St, Woolloongabba QLD 4102
